Investing in outstanding nonprofit organizations in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Homeless & Disadvantaged
Bill Daniels’ Motivation
Bill's great compassion for people struggling to meet basic human needs fueled his desire to help them get back on their feet. He wanted to offer disadvantaged individuals and families a hand-up and spark their motivation to reenter the workforce.
Desired Result
Homeless individuals and families achieve and maintain self-sufficiency without the need for public assistance through transitional housing, supportive services (with a focus on work programs), and emergency services.
Our Strategy
Shelter & Supportive Services
Individuals and families who are homeless, or are in danger of becoming homeless, break the cycle of poverty and attain economic self-sufficiency by receiving access to shelter combined with comprehensive supportive services.
Employment Programs
Individuals and families who are homeless, or are in danger of becoming homeless, attain economic self-sufficiency through the dignity and power of employment opportunities that drive upward mobility.
Emergency Services*
Individuals and families experiencing the initial stages of homelessness move from crisis toward economic self-sufficiency by receiving overnight shelter and food assistance in a structured manner that encourages both accountability and participation in case management.
“I am for the underdog, the homeless, the hungry…
for those that need a second chance.”
Homeless & Disadvantaged Funding Area Video
Watch this short video to learn more about what inspired Bill Daniels to direct the Daniels Fund to support programs for people who are homeless or disadvantaged.